--- In st2_owners@yahoogroups.com, Nick Vale <nickvale@...> wrote:
> No, I understood what you meant! My original ST4 read slightly slow
> according to my mates - my indicated 8- was their indicated 85 (no gps's
> then).
> I believe the mileometer reads OK because it's a pure mechanical link,
> whereas the actual speedo somehow uses an induced/indirect feed - but
> the big list is much more active, so I'll cross post to it for a
> definitive answer!
> Cheers - Nick
Both the speed AND the mileage are based on a nominal circumference of the front wheel so both will vary somewhat, depending on the design and state of the front tyre. At the moment, my UK-market ST4 is reading spot-on versus the GPS throughout the speed range, but a fresh set of rubber is waiting to go on, so it may soon change....
NickW, UK
Monday, August 30, 2010
[DucatiST] Re: [Ducati_st_uk] speedometer reading out
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