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Saturday, September 4, 2010

RE: [DucatiST] Check This Out - New Ducati Content


> I don't see any reason why this bike should raise hackles in the
> Ducati fan-base. It looks exciting, much more like a Monster
> should have looked, and the Ducati push for styling as opposed to
> letting all the loose ends show is still very much evident. So it
> isn't a finely-honed sports bike, and it isn't a direct
> replacement for our own favoured model (nor is the MS in my
> view), but I can see the logic in adding it to the lineup. I'd
> buy one, if I was feeling VERY bold...

The great thing about the early Monster is that there aren't any loose ends.
My '93 is just very clean and purposeful. I feel the current bikes look
contrived and overstyled. Each to their own...


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