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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Re: [DucatiST] Engine bolt conversion



I've done three, so far.  Did each one by matching a drill bit to the bolt size and going to it.  No problem.

Jack in NY

On 9/29/2010 7:12 AM, Tim de Martino wrote:


Anyone had any experience converting a 10mm bolt setup to 12mm? I received the
TPO kit that I ordered and although it's a really nice product, the studs are
12mm. I could return them but am thinking conversion.....

I have done fairly extensive googling and searching within this group but
there's not much info - the best I could find was QW saying ,basically , grab a
big drill bit and go to town!

QW - were you taking the piss or is this another example of your "it's not that
hard, just get on with it" posts? If the latter, can it be done in situ (albeit
very carefully)?

This idea may be overkill, but it would be nice to end up with a REALLY strong
engine mount.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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