TO: Motor City Freecycle Network (MCFN) Members
Hello from the Desk of the Moderators,
It has been quite some time since we have sent out a SPECIAL NOTICE from the Moderators of the MCFN. We hope that you are enjoying your experiences with "gifting and receiving" in Freecycle.
Below are a few topics that we want to share with you for your ease of use of our FREE group. Please take a moment to read and understand this NOTICE for your benefit.
We are in great need of more volunteers to help keep the MCFN running smoothly. Please remember that this group is only available to such a large audience because a number of people have and are giving their time to such a great cause. We need your help!
If you have a few minutes a week or so, and wish to help out, please send an email to:
We don't require a great deal of your time as every bit helps.
Experience is very helpful, but not necessary in aspects of:
Understanding Yahoo groups
Freecycle knowledge and navigating MCFN posts and files.
Good computer skills (MS-Word, txt docs., web navigation, etc.)
Good interpersonal attitude and a willingness to help and make a difference
ALL post subject lines should start with either OFFER, WANTED, TAKEN, PENDING and include: Item(s) name with your Location.
If you leave out important information in your SUBJECT line of your posts, your posting may be deleted by the moderators at our discretion.
This is very important to keep our boards reading smoothly for all to use.
FYI: Please READ and UNDERSTAND the MCFN User Agreement located in the FILES Section of the MCFN webpage.
Some posts are getting far overly communicative concerning issues that aren't Freecycle compliant. Please refrain from posting religious or political statements. Also, the MCFN is not a place for advertising whether it is your personal endeavor or for others.
Moderators will delete your post at our discretion without notification if you do not follow the site rules. We are sorry that we can not Email everyone when we delete posts as the group is far too large for us to do so.
FYI: Please READ and UNDERSTAND the MCFN User Agreement located in the FILES Section of the MCFN webpage.
We all know how hectic and stressing the holiday season can be. Yet there are a great many in need in our community. As the chill in the air gets more extreme, now more than ever is a great time to give shoes, clothing, coats, hats, mittens, etc. to those who need them. Toy giving is always nice this time of year, but it is really important that we help keep people warm and safe too.
We have recently passed a terrific milestone; our membership has grown to over 12,000 members! We are one of the largest metropolitan recycling groups in the country which is outstanding. However, for the past 2-3 years we haven't grown similar to other large city groups such as Grand Rapids, or Chicago for example.
So get the word out about our great group to friends, family, coworkers, etc. Remember the best way we get publicity is good word of mouth. This group benefits all who participate so spread the word!
FYI: There are pre-made fliers in the FILES Section of the MCFN webpage.
Wishing you all a safe and wonderful holiday season.
The MCFN Moderators
Tip: To decrease inbox clutter, edit message delivery setting (in your group membership section) to "daily digest" or to "special notices" and read postings directly on the Motor City Freecycle Network webpage at the following URL:
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