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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Re: [DucatiST] Re: The Clamper Creed


Hoser, A pome for ya.

Subject: [DucatiST] Re: The Clamper Creed


      I get this poem every winter & every winter I love re-reading it.
                  It's a beautiful poem and very well written.
               Thought it might be a comfort to you, it was to me.

                                Winter in Canada'

                                   It's cold!
                                    The End.

Decent food and good drink both within stumbling distance of a clean room are prerequisites for me, so maybe I'll change my vote, much as I like Downieville.

Colin, aka, Hoser

--- In, "Chico Phil" <markreinhart56@...> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Downieville is a great destination but may be too small for our group. On top of the limited rooms available there is the issue of food. The Grubstake Restraunt is kaput and the pizza parlor is not that great. The bar is still going strong though and they have peanuts and pickled eggs to go with their deadly pepperoni sticks.
> There is a Mexican place in town that just recently opened but they have limited hours and are not equipped to handle large groups. The last time we were in town, many moons ago, Mike Carnahan at the Riverside Inn cooked for us and that type of arrangement may be our best bet.
> Trish and I go to Downieville at least four or five times a year and it is truly unique and magical place that is going thorugh one of their periodic downturns.
> Mark in Chico
> 125 miles from Downieville

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