Ducati puts on quite a show for this and has a hospitality tent at the track.
Bring a registration for a bike and you can also get extra owner freebies such
as coffee, snacks, water and minor goodies. Usually 2 hotels are Ducati club
locations and the last two years they were close to walking distance apart.
Country Inn and Embassy suites. It's about 20 minutes from there to the track
though. At the Country Inn there is a big Ducati dinner one night with food,
beer, prizes and a lot of nice bikes which is run primarily through the
Bevelheads and Pantaheads club lists, but will be advertised on the main owners
club lists too. I can get you direct contact with the organizer for either
hotels or dinner.
Also if you contact the ticket folks directly at Indy and ask for Ducati seating
there is a main point of contact for all reservations if you want seating in the
Ducati grandstands, which is a pretty decent place to watch from. The only
other place I've watched from is turn 7, which was good too.
I've been twice and trailered a bike once and rode once. Getting around without
a car is a bit of a unknown for me, but it is generally very easy to get in and
out of the track area so shouldn't be a problem with a cab. I don't know
anything about public transit.
There is also a big bike event downtown where they block the streets off for
motorcycles only. So a hotel in that area could be fun too. I rode down to it
the first year, it was quite a scene.
Hope that helps a bit
Friday, December 31, 2010
[DucatiST] re: 2010 Indy Moto GP
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