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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

[DucatiST] Re: Hibernating batteries over Winter


--- In, "Alistair A" <orac1waterskiing@...> wrote:
> Hi Nick
> > What is the difference between a 'trickle' and 'float' charger and what make would you recommend?
> Kind Regards Al

Hi Al,

As I understand the term, a trickle charger just keeps pumping continuously, whereas the float ones monitor the battery's voltage, take it up to the optimum and keep it floating there, topping up as necessary. Word has it they can still overcharge, however. Many makes of float/intelligent chargers are available but most retail for about 40GBP. I use an Optimate 2, which I've had for many years. It's only fault was in the connecting output plug and socket which was always losing conductivity. I changed over to good old phono plugs instead and it works fine. Newer Optimates have better connectors. Apart from that, I suspect that most of the subsequent models have just been cosmetic revamps with more LEDs etc. Don't, by the way, believe the story that these things will bring a completely-dead battery back to full life, 'cos nothing will do that!

NickW, UK

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