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Monday, February 28, 2011

[DucatiST] Re: ST3s Signal minder


I bought accent LED lights from Cycle Gear with sticky on the backs and put them in my mirrors. I fed the wires up the mirror stalks, and put on disconnects so I can still take the mirrors off. Works nice once I got it all sorted. Maybe better would have been something in the dash panel.

LEDs draw such little power, that it doesn't affect the original circuit. I added LED lights to the back also, and never changed the resistance of the circuit, and it works just fine.


Can you have too many LED lights on your bike. Never seen it.

--- In, "Reed Kyrk" <reed.kyrk@...> wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies. Back in the day, I wired in a beeper on my 80 BMW and its the signal minder on my winter bike (97 K1100LT) that has me lusting for one on the ST3s.
> I'm electrically challenged however. Do you just go to Radio Shack and buy LEDs that suit your fancy and splice them into hot wires to the bulbs? I get it about being too bright at night but I can cross that bridge when I get there...
> Reed
> Central NJ

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