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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Re: [DucatiST] Schuberth C3 helmet, anyone want it? $


>> So I bought a new Schuberth C3 helmet 1/22/2011.
>> White, medium, flip up, comes with pinlock visor, drop down internal tinted shield.
>> Problem - not digging it. Thought I would but I do not like the flip up front.

Don't flip it up for a while, wear it as a solid full face. Once you get used to it start using the flip up. It looks kinda goofy flipped up actually but I happily trade that off for the ability to d whatever I want.

I have an original Concept from about 7-8 years ago. I can't imagine using anything else. The usefulness of the features is just off the chart. I had to pound out the earwells a bit as they hit the top of my ears but it's been a great helmet for me, much better than the Arais and Shoeis I used to use.

I'll be getting a C3 later this year but yours is a size too small for me anyway.



Michael Heth
(415) 992-7840

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