--- In st2_owners@yahoogroups.com, "huss h" <husshardan@...> wrote:
> I can't put it on unless the front is flipped up.
> The main issue with it is the strap is a plastic seat ratchet type thing and it just digs in painfully, no matter how I have tried to adjust it, or place the comfort straps under it.
> Never had this issue with my other helmets. Of course, I didn't notice this until it's been on my noggin for a while.
> Huss
Hi Huss,
I got a beautiful blood-red C3 from the recent bike show here, and love it. Red ones aren't generally imported into the UK apparently, but one dealer saw the opportunity to sell a helmet that exactly matches a Ducati! Lots of good design features, but it's not perfect, of course. The strap does indeed have a tendency to dig in, but I don't see that as a major problem, though a mate with less chin has mentioned it. I really like the easy on and off of the flip front, but detest pinlock double-glazing. The view out of the C3 is so wide and deep, it's a crying shame to have an extra layer of reflective plastic reducing the contrast. However, it's been a struggle to get fog-free visor and specs, as I had in my respro-foggy-equipped FM full-face. It adds complexity and negates a major feature of the flip, but I've cured the problem by having the respro separate as a facemask. It needed modifications to the chin curtain to vent my breath downwards, but fortunately that's a replaceable part anyway.
Otherwise, the C3 is a superb lightweight design, and is extremely quiet. Having said that, the ventilation intake on top has a set of bleed holes (why?) which produce a whistle when you turn your head a few degrees off the line of airflow. How did those clever German designers miss that?
NickW, UK
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Re: [DucatiST] Schuberth C3 helmet, anyone want it? $
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