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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Re: [DucatiST] Schuberth C3 helmet, anyone want it? $


--- In, "Nick Woods" <nickw@...> wrote:

... I really like the easy on and off of the flip front, but detest pinlock double-glazing. The view out of the C3 is so wide and deep, it's a crying shame to have an extra layer of reflective plastic reducing the contrast. However, it's been a struggle to get fog-free visor and specs..
> NickW, UK

I'm kinda torn about the pinlock visor. When I first used the helmet, I hated the distracting border of the pinlock. But you can just take it out if you don't like it. It really does work for eliminating fogging.
Only problem is if you take it out, how do you store it?
We don't need it in LA, where we only ride if it's between 68 and 75 degrees...



p.s. this really is, by far, the quietest helmet I've ever used.

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