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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Re: [DucatiST] Schuberth C3 helmet, anyone want it? $


> I can't put it on unless the front is flipped up.
> The main issue with it is the strap is a plastic seat ratchet type thing and it just digs in painfully, no matter how I have tried to adjust it, or place the comfort straps under it.
> Never had this issue with my other helmets. Of course, I didn't notice this until it's been on my noggin for a while.
> Huss

I believe a good cure for the strap problem may be found at Smith goggles. They make a ski helmet model called a Vantage, which I own. There is this neat slip on cushion tube that covers the strap. I would send an email to:
and ask them "How much for just the strap cover?"

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