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Saturday, April 30, 2011

[DucatiST] Re: Ducati ST high Milage


A friend of mine put 140,000 Km on his before upgrading. No major maintenance at all, especially not to the motor. Just some bling to pretty it up. He upgraded as he wanted a sporter bike, and couldn't keep two bikes.

He thinks the motors on an ST2 only get worn in at 40,000 Km. My Multistrada certainly improved after 30,000 Km. If you love the bike, keep it until you can't ride it any more, when you're 90 years old or so. ;-)

--- In, "Colin" <st2cmack@...> wrote:
> I've got about 45000 miles on my '00 with 43000 of them in 08/09/10 and nary a problem. Still runs strong(at least as strong as an ST2 can!). A buddy and I checked the valves after the last 10000 miles and didn't have to replace a single shim. So far it's just getting better! I'm thinking I can probably get another 40000 out of her,no problem. Although i probably shouldn't tempt fate....
> Colin
> 00ST2
> --- In, "oldspeed53" <oldspeed53@> wrote:
> >
> > I am wondering whether to trade my bike in this year, I have owned my ST2 since 2002 it is an 02 and although I have been riding for 40 years I can say this is the best motorcycle I have ever owned. Never acted up and still runs as strong as ever. However it now has 42,000 on her and I am a little afraid I have been push ing my luck. So what is the deal should I trade her in or how long will it run any one have more miles and if so what has happened. Thanks
> >

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