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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Re: [DucatiST] Re: Ducati ST high Milage


Hey Hoser,
So you rode 43,000 miles in one day?
August 9th 2010? (08/09/10)
Of course I could be wrong, it might be September 8th 2010... Brits!

When are coming south? I almost have two bikes again.

tongue firmly in cheek!

On Apr 30, 2011, at 6:15 AM, Colin wrote:

> I've got about 45000 miles on my '00 with 43000 of them in 08/09/10 and nary a problem. Still runs strong(at least as strong as an ST2 can!). A buddy and I checked the valves after the last 10000 miles and didn't have to replace a single shim. So far it's just getting better! I'm thinking I can probably get another 40000 out of her,no problem. Although i probably shouldn't tempt fate....
> Colin
> 00ST2
> --- In, "oldspeed53" <oldspeed53@...> wrote:
>> I am wondering whether to trade my bike in this year, I have owned my ST2 since 2002 it is an 02 and although I have been riding for 40 years I can say this is the best motorcycle I have ever owned. Never acted up and still runs as strong as ever. However it now has 42,000 on her and I am a little afraid I have been push ing my luck. So what is the deal should I trade her in or how long will it run any one have more miles and if so what has happened. Thanks

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