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Monday, August 29, 2011

Re: [DucatiST] starting problem



Just an educated guess, but that commutator damage looks suspiciously like the result of trying to start the bike with a weak battery. If the battery is low or weak, do NOT try to start the bike with out some help, either in the form of a boost or simply don't ride and charge the battery. When a battery does not have sufficient voltage to spin the starter motor correctly, the starter motor will try to do its job by demanding more and more current from the battery. The result of all this can be burned starter relay contacts, overheated starter wiring and burnt commutators, just like yours.

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 3:49 PM, mike <> wrote:

--- In, "mike" <mike.vaughan@...> wrote:
> --- Well all connections checked and conductivity and resistance measured with a meter and it's definitely the starter motor. It might be the brushes, it might be dirt, it might be completely f****d. I don't really have the time to sort it out so for the first time I shall be calling on my local Dealer (Riders in Cardiff) tomorrow. Slightly irritating as it's just had its two year service from Moto Louigi who are too far away for something like this. The service cost an arm and a leg including a new clutch so a wallet lightening summer all round :-( On the other hand this is the first thing that has actually gone wrong in 27000 miles
and the result can be seen here

with the opinion of a ex-mechanic friend of mine

OTOH for anyone with the same problem in the UK the solution at half the ducati price which I just paid :-{


Jack Ward
'00 ST4 Ducati (New Street)
'92 750ss Ducati (Restoration Project)
'63 H-D Panhead (Old Ratbike)
Now in Woodstock, GA, USA

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