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Sunday, October 2, 2011

[DucatiST] Re: Update on "Non-Starting" Issues (long)- Success?



It sounds like you have had almost as much fun with you ST as I've with mine. I was hoping that all your issues had been fixed, though it sounds you have found another problem. As you said, these machines aren't getting any younger. Everything you have done chasing this problem will make the duc more reliable on in the future. I hope that you dont feel as if you wasted your time. Over the past couple years I have wanted to give up many times on mine. She has made me sweat, bleed, cry, and has attempted on several occassions to seperate me from my hard earned money; and in some ways succeeded. I never gave up on her, even though she still, to this day, loves to just kick me where it hurts :) However, I can tell you when she is on, she is ON!Ahh, I digress. (Sorry, I have entirely too much free time on my hands at the moment...)

Any how, I replaced my spark plugs a year or so ago with a product from TPO parts. I did some research, and unless you want to go with after market coils and performance plugs, these wires seemed to be about as good as you can get. Good quality for sure! Did I notice a difference? Nope, but I know now that I have a better wire that is new, and one less thing that damn bike can try to use against me :) It really is a love hate relationship if you can't tell! Here are a couple links, check em out, see what you think. Look forward to riding with ya someday!


> Diagnosis:
> The poor connection on the spark plug not only caused poor running, it allowed excess voltage to go to the R/R and ECU, eventually frying both.
> Phil

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