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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

[DucatiST] How difficult to set timing on ST3?


My wife and I each have ST3s, love them dearly.  But over the past two years, mine has been "coughing" from stoplights, sometimes stalling in the process, to where I am less comfortable with the bike.


I had checked with Ducati Indy last MotoGP, they said it was timing, and with the Indy crowds they just didn't have time that weekend.  I'm thinking that maybe I could do this?  (I used to be a mechanic, worked on cars {BMW, Lotus, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari}, and on motorcycles {Honda, Yamaha, the early single cylinder Ducatis which I should not have sold}

Anyhow, is this a realistic thing to undertake?




Beppe in Chicago area (midway between Chicago and Milwaukee)

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