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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Re: [DucatiST] 2002 ST4S suspension settings



Your comments on the springs are well taken. At this point, I have no idea what they are, I have to assume that they are stock.

My problem is one of time crunch. A week from today, I will be leaving on a 4 day 3000 km ride to and from the mountains in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

Due to a series of "life happens" type incidents, my 6 weeks of getting the bike ready has been reduced to 6 days and I still have not gotten the bike off of the bench to try out the suspension. The new rear master cylinder arrives tomorrow, but that is another story (for the want of a circlip that when sprong off into the nether regions of my garage.) 

As soon as the bike is off the bench, I will try to set the sag at both ends. That will tell me if I have the right springs on the bike. Right or wrong, I will have to live with the springs for the weekend. 

For the rest of the adjustments, I am looking for a place to start. I am going to get a copy of the ST4S Owners Manual just so I can find out what the factory settings were. I doubt that they will stay there long, but right now, I have no ideas at all. 

I am frantically re-reading Andrew Trevitts "Sportbike Suspension Tuning" book to refresh my memory and give myself a head start.

For the record, I weigh about 200 pounds with gear, I will be travelling solo with full saddle bags and empty top case. These day I camp in hotels, so I won't have a whole lot of extra weight on board.

So, any help with getting a baseline for the settings will be appreciated.


Dave G
aka The Goochman

Subject: Re: [DucatiST] 2002 ST4S suspension settings
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 15:01:01 +1000
From: "Dr Brian A Kerr" <>
To: <>


What springs front and back? You need to compare notes with someone the same weight as you.
You need the right springs before you play with the clickers. Im 85kg but both ends have been revalved so cant help. The stock 95 back spring was too light for my weight so its now a 105 Ohlins and the front has 95 weight springs instead of the stock 85. Now the best handling bike EVER for the street.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 8:34 PM
Subject: [DucatiST] 2002 ST4S suspension settings

I would like to ask for a favour.

I have just upgraded the suspension on my ST2 to ST4S specs. Everything was
rebuilt so I am essentially starting with new. I know what the sag numbers
should be (30 - 35 mm at both ends). What I am looking for is some baseline
settings for the rest of the adjustable bits. I would like to start
somewhere close if I can, and work from there.

I appreciate your help.

Dave G
Aka The Goochman




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