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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Re: [DucatiST] 2007 ST3 ABS fork


I've put about 6K miles on the ST3 and a similar amount on my 2007 S2R1000. I'm a sucker for smooth, both in suspension engine.

I had someone in the Midwest do the fork legs on the Monster with Ohlins stuff, and sell me a shock, and the difference (plush but tenacious grip) plus a little ride height work and the ride is now outstanding.

But the ST3 is my favorite now. I bought it at a good price and was not sure I would keep it. As I said in previous posts, I sure wish now I'd put my suspension money into the ST.

All that said, I may still be getting used to the Ducatis. 2005 GS was my first modern bike, after a parade of Nortons various BMWs. Sit-on bikes compared to sit-in bikes, like the guy writing about the Multi was saying.


From: Will Fulford <>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 18:21:40 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Re: [DucatiST] 2007 ST3 ABS fork


I don't know honestly, I haven't sent any pics to the group, but it should work just like email b/c it IS email.  I had to think about that for a second.

Your London cab visual made me crack!  Don't take this the wrong way Reed, but I think you are being a little paranoid...which is totally fine!  You should not have any sludge in your forks causing stiction with so few miles.
A fork oil change/clean might be a good idea, but if you do that you might as well go the whole mod route while your in there.

An easy check is to remove the front wheel and align the forks by sliding the axle in and out.  When it does so with the least resistance your forks are aligned properly at the bottom where it matters.  Most people think measuring at the top triple is good, but each fork can vary in manufacturing tolerances and slight spring rate differences to warrant the axle alignment method.

How many miles have you put in the saddle on this bike?  Could it be a case that you just are not comfortable on the bike/used to how it takes input?  My wife rides a '76 R90/6 and I love riding it.  Very confidence inspiring, handles very well and is easy to "gel" with.  It takes a different riding style, to get the same feeling with my Monster.  I a have put 30k on the Monster, so it is like my right hand, it just does it without me having to think about it!

I rode a '98 ST2 for awhile, which is why I am here, it again, had a completely different feel, not unsettling by any means.....but enough of a difference that it might make me think something was wrong if I did not know the bike well.

On Aug 29, 2012, at 5:55 PM, Reed Kyrk wrote:


Hey Will that would be a happy ending! And I'm all for those. Can I attach a picture to the email, or is it more involved?


From: Will Fulford <>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 16:41:28 -0500
Subject: Re: [DucatiST] 2007 ST3 ABS fork


Reed, can you describe the handling issues/wear in more detail...maybe with a picture.  As I said, it could be simply because you are driving into left handers harder/faster than right hand turns, wearing the left side of the front tire more.

- Will
On Aug 29, 2012, at 4:30 PM, Clive FitzGerald wrote:


ST3s ABS came with Ohlins rear shock and fully adjustable Showa forks. Gold colour is the TiN lowfriction coating – it is wearing away on my 2006 ST3s ABS which has now clocked up 61,500 miles since I bought it new in March 2006.




From: [] On Behalf Of Reed Kyrk
Sent: 29 August 2012 21:56
Subject: [DucatiST] 2007 ST3 ABS fork



Umm guys I have to ask a pretty basic question. My understanding was that 2007 ST3 ABS came with Ohlins suspension. My rear shock certainly displays the Ohlins colors but on the forks the only thing gold is the male section of the USD fork. The guy I use for my BMW scratched his head and said "Zat does not look like Ohlins to me". Is there a way I can tell if my fork is original?

The bike is wearing the front tire a little weirdly (much more just left of center) and feels different on right and left turns - I have seen some fairing brackets slightly bent. How rough a life did this thing have in the 2700 miles before I bough it?

Feeling paranoid


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