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Friday, February 22, 2013

Re: [DucatiST] The end of the well-lighted road


Mine also came with the ST2 I bought, some years ago.  Having it simply means that I can ride at night, which I do not ever try on any of my other bikes.  I recall a trip to GA with some friends, years ago, when my low-beam bulb failed.  I had to switch it to high and, in bright sunlight, no one would ride in front of me.  All said it was blinding them in their mirrors. Ü

+1 to Jack's comment - best get one while you can.  I cannot count the times mine has shown me something in the distance that I never would have seen until too close to deal with it.

Jack in NC

On 2/21/2013 10:46 PM, Jack Ward wrote:

Dammit Paul.............I'm getting older and news like this just reinforces that fact. Jennifer and I have moved to the country in the panhandle of Florida. Tonight we pulled the bikes out of the toyhauler......finally. So, not having ridden since last June I hopped on my ST4 and headed out on the road where there is virtually NO light pollution. It is freakin' pitch black out there and my DD headlight cut a path in front of us that is astonishing. I immediately thought of you and your efforts and design to bring an outstanding product to such a small market. I commented to Jennifer when we stopped for dinner that my bike headlight is better than my Dodge truck's.

Any of you who plan to keep your ST for as long as I plan to, should make EVERY effort to purchase Paul's headlight before he stops production. You will NEVER regret it. Best accessory you can purchase that may someday save your life.


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