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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Re: [DucatiST] Helmets


Bruce, I've got wear in my neck joints. My advice is to make sure
that the helmet you buy doesn't require you to tilt your head back to
compensate for the forward riding position on your ST. As I've commented
before, I can't wear my Shoei Synchrotec or Schuberth C2 comfortably
on my ST, because they cut off too much of the top of my visual field,
when my head is in a comfortable position. I'm very happy with a Nolan
N43 'Air' helmet, with the N-com Bluetooth communication system and
removable chinguard. Try one, but as with all helmets, it may not suit
your head's shape.

Comfort is King. Riding is Ace.

On the road: '03 ST4s ABS (37,000 miles since April 2010)
Near the road: '99 M900 (85,000 miles since new)
Languishing: 'Guzzi V50 III & that legend of unreliability: a Lario!
Norwich, UK (but writing from Sicilia with a glass of Zibibbo in my belly).

Bruce, on Sat, May 25, 2013 at 09:14:24AM -0400 you wrote:
> Coming from many years of H-D riding and mostly sporting a 1/2 helmet, I'm finding my 18 year old Shoei full face heavy and wearing on my cervically imperfect, disk bulging neck which 2 years ago almost had a fusing and replacement after a less then pleasant dismount off my now sold YZ-250 (I miss that bike). I've seen some super lightweight full face puppies in the $750-800 range (damn helmets got pricey). But I want to get max pleasure on my ST3. Whaddya recommend? Do I want Bluetooth music piped in from the iPhone? Features? Do I want to speak with my lovely bride when she rides pinion, about 25% of the time.
> Thanks.

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