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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Re: [DucatiST] Re: 1998 ST2 Running Rough (re mileage)


I get about 40-44 depending on how I ride. I am also a Yankee, just coming from a week in NC, TN, SC, and GA. was closer to 40 this week!  

Steve Gross

Email sent from phone

On May 24, 2013, at 10:26 PM, wrote:



My '06 ST3s gets an average of about 43. I am currently on a trip with it, having done about 1200 miles so far. Very spirited riding in North Carolina, TN, GA, VA. Did a very aggressive ride yesterday with a couple of knee draggers we met down here (I am from Ohio), and hung fine. And I still had the side bags on! This is a very strong running bike, and it surprises a lot of people - including myself. Despite my poor mileage (my buddy on this trip rides a new KTM SMT, which gets worse - although we ride 'em to get full use of the tires), it's an acceptable trade off in my book. I sure can't imagine 60 mpg!

'06 ST3S ABS
'01 S4 916

From: <>;
To: <>;
Subject: [DucatiST] Re: 1998 ST2 Running Rough
Sent: Thu, May 16, 2013 8:52:39 PM


I had similar symptoms and, having a well-earned distrust of my wrenching, took my bike to the shop.  The computer showed faults in the temperature sensor and the computer.  We're replacing the temperature sensor and hoping that will resolve the issue.
I noticed your report that you're getting 45 MPG.  I was getting about 50, but after the regular service this winter started getting 60 - 65.  The tech suggests that it the improvement was due to the synchronization of carburetors.  What are other people getting?
Joe Schuman

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