Hey Matt,
Try charging it on at least 10 amps dc with a tapering charge, then have it load tested. Most auto parts places will load test it for free. Or maybe your local bike shop might do it for nada.
For peace of mind a new battery is good. Load test it before putting it in. I've seen many new batteries that were crap off the shelf.
Lithium Ion is the way to go. So far they have worked good for me. I've installed them in many bikes with no problems. Mucho cranking amps and weighing only 2 or so pounds. However they can be pricey @ $150-$200 +.
The new Shorai uses prismatic cells, flat sheet layers instead of round cylinder type cells.
http://www.fz-videos.com/PDF/FRICTION_ZONE_May2013.pdf page eight has a good article and test of the Shorai.
I have a lithium- ion in my bike, but that one I assembled/soldered myself out of eight A123 cells, soldered 4 cells in series to get 13 volts dc and then soldered two banks in parallel to double the amperage. Been on the bike for over a year with no issues, and she cranks right up.
Keep us posted.
chee-yoww, Nick Alaniz 2002 ST4$
From: Matt Rychtanek <honda.fan69@gmail.com>
To: "st2_owners@yahoogroups.com" <st2_owners@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tue, May 21, 2013 4:48:33 PM
Subject: Re: [DucatiST] Re: Clutch Pushrod Needle Bearing.
Hi Nick,
Yes it's the same Matt. All my static tests were good. .2 ohms across the windings, no burning of wires or connectors, and no shorts to ground through the windings. Waiting to get the clutch back together to check AC output. I wasn't sure if I'd hurt anything by starting without the clutch pack in the bike.
I'm also planning on replacing the battery as it's still at 12.5V even after sitting on the battery tender for a day
Sent from my iPad
Hey Matt,Did you ever get the electrical battery/charging issues corrected/repaired on your bike, '98 ST2?Is this the same Matt?chee-yoww,Nick Alaniz, 2002 ST4$
From: Matt Rychtanek <honda.fan69@gmail.com>
To: "st2_owners@yahoogroups.com" <st2_owners@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tue, May 21, 2013 12:39:26 PM
Subject: Re: [DucatiST] Re: Clutch Pushrod Needle Bearing.
Hi Randy,The bearing I am talking about is the little needle bearing that is in the shaft that the pushrod goes through. LT's book shows him greasing it in a picture in the clutch maintenance section. I'm going from memory but I think it's picture 32
Sent from my iPhoneI believe this is what I used from Ca-cycle works....
Your talking about the bearing that presses into the back of the pressure plate right?
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:34 AM, M Rychtanek wrote:
Thanks Randy,
Yes, I's definitely prefer to replace it.
Does anyone have the PN or if there is a standard equivalent? I've looked through online parts fiche and I'm unsure what bearing it is. Most of them end at 2000 so maybe the design changed? The closest I can tell is the bearing is number 76270.0827 and the seal is 93783.0812 on the Gearbox page. Do these sound correct.
Matt--- In st2_owners@yahoogroups.com, Randy & Tracy Ipad <rntdumont@...> wrote:>> Matt,> I would just replace it for ~$18. You don't want it coming apart in the worst possible location, with no dealer around. Cheap insurance.>> Sent from my iPad>
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