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Friday, May 24, 2013

Re: [DucatiST] Shoulder to lean on....



Glad that part is now behind. Now for the long road to recovery! Keep the pain managed, and strive for clearheadedness!

Best wishes,

'06 ST3S ABS
'01 S4 916

From: <>;
To: <>; Denis St. Amand <>;
Subject: Re: [DucatiST] Shoulder to lean on....
Sent: Wed, May 15, 2013 2:52:55 AM


when the saint asks for news, i'm compelled to respond. but briefly.

surgery was more complicated then docs had hoped. bit more than four
hours. three anchor screws and 15 titanium threads woven into three
main ligaments. kept me in lockup until early this afternoon. still
have nerve block inserted so major pain staved off for another day.
satchel 'o drugs lined up for that eventuality. will have zero
movement of arm for about two months. then very slow rehab. doc
estimates a year before I recover near full range of motion. fun.
brain has been thoroughly diminished. if someone cremated it it'd fit
nicely into a thimble.

will drop a more interesting not when iq leaps into the high single digits.

thanks for the kin thoughts.


Quoting "Denis St. Amand" <>:

> Ok it's Tuesday afternoon in these western states.
> Any updates about our word maestro Hobatz?
> Denis
> Aching to know...
> On May 12, 2013, at 8:59 PM, wrote:
>> LiSTers:
>> Knife time at 1 p.m. tomorrow. Will give a gifted surgeon a shot at
>> giving me a passably functioning shoulder and also pay a few of his
>> mortgage car payments.
>> I will be incarcerated for a day then released to the wilds. Cut
>> release is alive well In Utah.
>> Wish my surgeon luck!
>> Hobatz

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