Left some stuff out of the prior post;
> Remove the charger and check the voltage with a meter, should be right
> about 13.2 volts.
If it isn't 13.2 then it was not charging it fully and you lost some
life due it being undercharged while sitting.
If it is much over 13.2 then it is perhaps overcharging with the same
result - lowered lifespan.
> If you then run the headlight for 30 seconds and check again you will
> have the true charge of the battery, at 100% charge it is usually
> between 12.75 and 12.85 depending on type.
> Here's the product pitch from a charger maker that claims a 5 step
> charge profile (I had only ever heard of 3 steps prior to seeing this
> text)
The point of the quote was to show that the float type chargers are
intended to be left on all the time.
But this means they have to be working within spec or they give a
false sense of security and/or damage/reduce the lifespan of the
I have 2 battery tenders I bought back in the late 80s/early 90s and I
think both have dings in the metal cases showing that they've been
It would be easy to have a damaged charger and never know it.
Michael Heth
(415) 992-7840
Friday, December 31, 2010
Re: [DucatiST] Battery Tender Junior
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