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Monday, January 31, 2011

[DucatiST] Hibernating batteries over Winter


Hi People

Does anyone know how to store a motorbike wet cell battery over winter?
Is trickle charging the only way forward?
I have my own theory as to how it is done but have never tried it and would be interested if someone does it this way, with what results? or they have a better way.

When you know you are not going to use your bike over a long period of time, like the winter months.

*Remove battery from bike.

*Empty the acid out of the battery and store in a glass container for re-use.
*flush out battery with water to clear out any residual acid (no point having the cells continually being eaten away)

*Empty the battery of all water and keep the caps off to allow the battery to vent of Hydrogen.

*Store battery in a well vented room; on a shelf and off the floor so as no to discharge.

*I assume never short circuit the battery even accidentally especially when there is no liquid in it as it will explode due to Hydrogen gas build-up within the battery.

*I also think that a battery stored at 15C is better for it than storing it below freezing point?

Let us know what you think.

Kind Regards Al(97St2UK)

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