I bought a set of long cheap drifts from harbor freight. I found one that had a thick enough point to it that it wouldn't snap off. Next I heated the end of it up with a blow torch until it was glowing red and bent the tip to a curve just enough until it was very easy to fit in the notch, while inserting the drift all the way through the rim. The bend in the drift gives the extra grab that is needed. After I made this simple tool, I got all the bearings out really easy.
A few tips, make sure that you rotate the spacer and hit the old bearing at equal distances around the race to remove it. Upon inserting the new bearings, let them sit in the freezer over night, and use a piece of wood over top of the new bearing while driving it in. Do not hit the bearing directly. If you freeze the bearing, it goes it sooooo much easier!
98' ST2
> Either way, I need a tool that can remove the rear wheel bearings so that I can replace them. The Notch in the spacer seems promising, and I saw the diagram of a tool that LT made in his book for removing the bearings, but I was hoping to get some ideas for how to go about manufacturing it.
> Do I just need to find a really long punch (drift) with a small point?
> The shop manual just shows a drift, and doesn't mention the notch even as far as I can see.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> -Richard Goforth
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
[DucatiST] Re: Bearing removal tool
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