A case of beer would be a good start.....then... See if Pro Italia still has the video that shows the way to do the valve adjustment. They show a few nice tricks. Also go to Ca Cycleworks in the tech section and Chris Kelley has a good video on the subject. Get a good digital 0-1"/25mm micrometer so you can measure in mm or get a calculater to do some converting. Get the turning tool with "arms" so that you can rotate the crankshaft easily. You will also need the two "measuring" tools to measure the closing shims. Make a device to plug the oil return hole and make it so that you will not forget to pull it out of the hole before you buckle up the bike. I have a bolt that I put a wire through the safety holes so that the the wire is in the way if you put the covers back on before removing them. The plug keeps the keepers out of the bowels of the engine...never to be seen again. Make a wedge from a wooden handle "tooth brush", maybe 3 inches long, It will hold the rocker arm in place. Get a heavy piece of wire...welding rod would do and put a slight bend in it so that it will fit in the spark plug hole and then hold the valve in place when the keepers are pulled off the stem. I then use a bungie cord to hold it in place. Get a scribe with a magnet on the end and that will make getting the keepers off the stem and hold them a whole lot easier. Also I would highly suggest you get the MBP keepers and put them in while you're adjusting your valves. They will post pone your future valve adjustings. Have a note pad to write down the figures and do your math. Keep it all systematic and laid out so you can keep your place. One shim can be used on another valve. With good notes, you will keep the number of new shims needed to a minimum. Also get a flat whetstone so you can lap in a shim to a closer tolerance..or a sheet of emery cloth on a pane of glass or granite surface. And don't forget the beer...Hopper --- On Wed, 2/29/12, Jerry Duke <jerry.duke@gmail.com> wrote:
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Re: [DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
Re: [DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
Sent from Tricky's I pad
=It is easier to learn with the head on the bench, but it is not necessary to do the adjustment. If you think about it, they certainly don't drop the engine at the dealership. If you think the service is expensive now, imagine what it would be like if they had to drop the engine every time!
Dave G
From: st2_owners@yahoogroups.com [mailto:st2_owners@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: February-29-12 8:53 PM
To: st2_owners@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
Sit down and think is it easier to pull the lump out or do it in frame ????
Sent from Tricky's I pad
On 2012-02-29, at 2:33 PM, Jerry Duke <jerry.duke@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm new to Ducati, been on BMW's for 30 years. I just bought a beautiful 07 ST3 and plan to do all the maintenance myself.
I've done valve adjustments for years but want to make sure I understand everything before attempting my first.
What can you tell me or where can I go to get info so I'm comfortable doing this?
I have LT's repair manual and got all the parts from Omaha Ducati and am not in any hurry.
Suggestions please.
Jerry Duke
Savannah, GA
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RE: [DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
It is easier to learn with the head on the bench, but it is not necessary to do the adjustment. If you think about it, they certainly don't drop the engine at the dealership. If you think the service is expensive now, imagine what it would be like if they had to drop the engine every time!
Dave G
From: st2_owners@yahoogroups.com [mailto:st2_owners@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: February-29-12 8:53 PM
To: st2_owners@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
Sit down and think is it easier to pull the lump out or do it in frame ????
Sent from Tricky's I pad
On 2012-02-29, at 2:33 PM, Jerry Duke <jerry.duke@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm new to Ducati, been on BMW's for 30 years. I just bought a beautiful 07 ST3 and plan to do all the maintenance myself.
I've done valve adjustments for years but want to make sure I understand everything before attempting my first.
What can you tell me or where can I go to get info so I'm comfortable doing this?
I have LT's repair manual and got all the parts from Omaha Ducati and am not in any hurry.
Suggestions please.
Jerry Duke
Savannah, GA
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[iris_kyle] Attention Group Members - Get Your FREE Password To Our X-Rated Video Collection, 2/29/2012, 6:30 pm

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Re: [DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
Sent from Tricky's I pad
I'm new to Ducati, been on BMW's for 30 years. I just bought a beautiful 07 ST3 and plan to do all the maintenance myself.I've done valve adjustments for years but want to make sure I understand everything before attempting my first.What can you tell me or where can I go to get info so I'm comfortable doing this?I have LT's repair manual and got all the parts from Omaha Ducati and am not in any hurry.Suggestions please.Thanks,Jerry DukeSavannah, GA
[MotorCityFreecycle] TAKEN: Misc Household Items
All wooden headboard
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[MotorCityFreecycle] wanted: Baby boy clothes
hello everybody...i am in desperate need for clothes for my baby 9 to 12 months please his clothes barely he literally has no sleepers anymore and i cant afford to buy anything for him...i would be very greatful please and thank you very much.
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RE: [DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
Video of adjustment on a 2V motor here gives you a general clue:
Never owned a 3 so not sure what differences are.
From: st2_owners@yahoogroups.com [mailto:st2_owners@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Jerry Duke
Sent: 29 February 2012 22:33
To: st2_owners@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
I'm new to Ducati, been on BMW's for 30 years. I just bought a beautiful 07 ST3 and plan to do all the maintenance myself.
I've done valve adjustments for years but want to make sure I understand everything before attempting my first.
What can you tell me or where can I go to get info so I'm comfortable doing this?
I have LT's repair manual and got all the parts from Omaha Ducati and am not in any hurry.
Suggestions please.
Jerry Duke
Savannah, GA
[DucatiST] ST3 - first valve check
[MotorCityFreecycle] Wanted: Miniature LED Light Strings (Livonia)
Did you update/upgrade during the holidays, and wondering what to do with those left-over strings of miniature LED lights (the ones that work!)....I would love to take them off your hands. I can use ones that are 6 ft to 20ft - and in safe working condition. I can pick up in the Livonia, Plymouth-Canton, Westland and Dearborn areas. Thank you and God Bless!
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[MotorCityFreecycle] wanted: hot water tank
In need of a decent hot water tank. i have children and boiling water is really getting old! thanks to whoever can help!
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[ukfratboiz] You are welcome to leave a comment to this local paper, it is disgusting article
You are welcome to leave a comment to this local paper, it is disgusting article, in the Post Intellegencer (PI, in Paris TN). ....jake
![]() |
Did God really drop the ball this time?
`So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Gen. 1:27 NIV)
"He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man." (Gen. 5:2)
Then God dropped the ball — at least, recent articles published by the Associated Press, carried on National Public Radio and the Huffington Post would lead you to that conclusion.
According to the reports in these articles, about one in 10,000 children are born with brain functions of one sex, but are trapped in the body of the other sex. It would appear that we aren't all what we seem to be!
Most are labeled with "gender identity disorder," a psychiatric diagnosis. However, a few specialists have come to the conclusion there is no psychological disorder and these really are beings trapped in the wrong body.
"Pediatricians need to know these kids exist and deserve treatment," said Dr. Norman Spack of Children's Hospital, Boston. He went on to say, "If you open the doors, these are the kids who come. They're out there. They're in your practices." (NPR, Feb. 20)
Understand, these children are physically normal in all ways. They do not have issues at the levels where errors occur in the XX or XY assignments in the 46 chromosome. Persons who are born with these chromosome errors often will develop attributes of both sexes and may or may not respond to various types of therapy or surgical procedures.
An 8-year-old second-grader in Los Angeles is a typical patient. Born a girl, the child announced at 18 months, "I am boy," and has stuck with that belief. The family was shocked, but now refers to the child as a boy and is watching for the first signs of puberty to begin treatment." (AP, Feb. 20)
To accept the declaration of an 18-month-old child that she is in the wrong body and to allow this declaration to develop to where it is an accepted fact is truly a spectacle of non-parenting.
Even some medical professionals who view sex-change operations as a viable solution for a select group of patients warn, "Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined." (Dr. Margaret Moon, American Academy of Pediatrics' Bioethics Committee, AP, Feb. 20)
Play or pretending to be the opposite sex is common among very young children. But these children are different. They feel certain they were born with the wrong bodies. These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation, and often face depression and attempt suicide.
For once, the thrust of this column is not to draw a conclusion that is conservative or liberal. Rather, it is to raise a question that will generate different conclusions in the readers. Does the liberal atmosphere our children now live in where they are exposed to deviant behaviors such as same-sex "marriage" and glorification of a homosexual lifestyle fuel the increase in gender identity cases? According to Spack, his case load is now about four to five times as large as it was in the 1990s.
Consider that children are bombarded by multiple television programs which portray homosexual and even trans-gender lifestyles as normal, and the fact President Barack Obama refuses to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, down to the antics of Barney Frank who flaunts his lifestyle all over Capitol Hill. What effect do these types of influences have on the decision-making capacities of these children?
Which came first, the problem, disease, condition or whatever name is assigned to it — or the treatment by sex-change operations (which will end up being required to be covered under government-approved insurance plans) as a standard medical condition.
Will the Department of Human Services order faith-based organizations to provide "sex-change insurance" for their employee in the same manner that birth-control products and morning-after pills were mandated to be included?
JERRY BRENDA of Paris is retired as the long-time personnel manager at the former Emerson Electric plant. His email address is jerrydbrenda@gmail.com.
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Re: [DucatiST] 2004 ST3 intake popping
I would bet lean also. Check the intake track for loose hose clamps or loose nuts on the intake manifolds. While you are at it check the hose connections from the intake manifolds to the charcoal canister.
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this board and to Ducati ownership. Just got a 2004 ST3 in beautiful shape, 7000 k miles with a fresh service. However, I'm noticing a popping from the intake/air box when I'm just start accelerating sometimes. It doesn't happen all the time but several times on a ride. The bike has staintune exhaust which sounds wonderful and a dobeck module - for the exhaust. It was tuned by fast by ferracci so I stumped? Any idea what could be causing the popping?
[DucatiST] Re: 2004 ST3 intake popping
I'd say it sounds like the fuel mixture is too lean. Ask FBF to richen it up a bit.
--- In st2_owners@yahoogroups.com, "David" <david.papp@...> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm new to this board and to Ducati ownership. Just got a 2004 ST3 in beautiful shape, 7000 k miles with a fresh service. However, I'm noticing a popping from the intake/air box when I'm just start accelerating sometimes. It doesn't happen all the time but several times on a ride. The bike has staintune exhaust which sounds wonderful and a dobeck module - for the exhaust. It was tuned by fast by ferracci so I stumped? Any idea what could be causing the popping?
> Thanks,
> David